Student’s note

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    • #69459

      I received a private message today with the following. They asked to be kept anonymous.

      I recently took classes with AFSI and only after I completely understood the curriculum, was I able to correctly remedy my home and my business. My husband and I have our own business and we have always broken even with money every month. Now, our business has completely taken off and in the last two weeks have signed a very lucrative deal. I can’t believe our luck. All due respect, my husband is very talented and dedicated and an astute businessman but I think that the Traditional Feng Shui gave us an advantage. I thank Master Sang for sharing his knowledge and my teachers, especially Anthien who so patiently answered my questions.


      (Name withheld by request)

      Webmaster & Instructor at the AFSI.
      Co-founder of 168 Feng Shui Advisors.
      View my blog.

    • #98832

      It was great for the message sender, with good and dramatic change. 🙂 I haven’t had yet any experiences I earned more with feng shui applications, so I’m confirming myself again that correct feng shui application would bring out solid improvements through that message.

      As that message, feng shui can create good and sometimes maybe drastic outcome, and can leave something with figures like money, realty, etc. Is feng shui also available to create anything good without figures like human feelings?
      …Probably feng shui practitioners will do create them, won’t they? 😉

      Yes, I know money is the first consideration for living life. But I just hope more people would make use of more feng shui improvements if possible, not only to financial issues but also for something figureless about mentality like morality, ethics, philosophy, thoughts, spirits…and so on. A difficult issue? Hummmmmm…..

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